
Drama Students Present The Crucible and Road

25 April 2017

Last Thursday, 香港六合彩官网开奖's Drama students presented a dual performance of "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller and "Road" by Jim Cartwright. Students regularly put on performances throughout the year as part of their course, which take place in the Performing Arts Theatre.

"The Crucible" depicts The Salem Witch Trials of the 1600s in Massachusettes, USA, while "Road" explores the working class in Lancashire under Margaret Thatcher's government. The contrasting themes and political issues in both of these productions shows the depth of experience and talent 香港六合彩官网开奖's drama students presented on the evening. 

Audience members described the productions as,

Another fantastic theatrical experience tonight. I thoroughly enjoyed both plays and felt privileged to have been able to have been able to see both excellent productions.

Nigel Skinner of the Tameside Reporter said on Twitter,



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