
Drama student graduates in NYC

1 May 2018

Rosie Mahon travelled to New York in 2016 to study at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York City. From 2012-2014, she studied a full-time course in Performing Arts at 香港六合彩官网开奖, before going on to study at The Academy of Live and Recorded Arts in Wigan. 

Last week, Rosie graduated from AADA having completed her time at drama school in New York. Rosie explained,

"My time here has been incredible but I wouldn't have been able to do it without the foundation training I received back home or without the love and support from my family and friends."

Back in 2016 when Rosie found out she had gained a place at AADA, she began fundraising in order to fund her trip to the US. She said of her time at 香港六合彩官网开奖,

"College was thoroughly enjoyable. My favourite thing about my course was that I performed every day and my Work Placement shadowing a director has given me more opportunities to work with him."

Rosie also gave some incredibly inspiring advice,

"Never give up. Rejection is part of the industry. Be tenacious. People outside of this little performing arts bubble may not understand the importance of drama school, they may wish for you to go to university but I didn’t want a BA, I wanted to train and hone in on my craft to become a better actor. So that’s what I’m doing."

As a true testament to her dedication and hard work, Rosie has done what she set out to do. Following her own path, applying to a drama school in New York that boasts alumni including Anne Hathaway, Lauren Bacall, Paul Rudd, Grace Kelly and Alex Pettyfer, among others, Rosie gained her prestigious place and has worked tremendously ever since.

Rosie's future looks incredibly bright and she is looking forward to the next chapter of her journey. With such incredible training and experience under her belt, Rosie is currently thinking about opportunities to work as an artist in the US.

Find out more about studying Performing Arts courses here

Tags: Performing Arts Drama & Theatre Studies Drama Performance alumni performing arts and music

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