
National Apprenticeship Week 2019

15 March 2019

Picture above: Damar Training

香港六合彩官网开奖's incredible Careers Team marked National Apprenticeship Week last week, which took place from the 4th-8th March. 

All week long the Careers department welcomed representatives from various Apprenticeship providers. During their visit, apprenticeship providers were based in Careers allowing students the opportunity to meet them and ask questions about apprenticeship pathways. 

For first year students at the college it was an ideal opportunity to explore the various options available to them. As they move close to their final year, they are beginning to make more decisions about their futures and are deciding their next steps. Second year students are beginning to apply for apprenticeship if they haven't already begun to do so and having providers visit the college allowed them to ask questions about applications processes, interviews process and assessment centre days. 

Careers welcomed visitors from Damar Training, the Juice Academy and the Growth Company.

The Apprentice Academy

The Growth Company

Tags: careers guest speaker degree apprenticeship guest visitor apprenticeship employability

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