
Coronavirus response update - 08.06.20

8 June 2020

Coronavirus response update 8th June 2020

I hope this finds you and your family safe, well and healthy.

A few updates today:

The decision to postpone our reopening until at least the 22nd June was taken after receipt of a letter from the Director of Population Health at Tameside Council. The letter clearly outlines the reasons for the recommendation to postpone the reopening of school and colleges. Concerns about the reproduction rate (R rate) grew after the publication of regional R rates on Friday afternoon. The rate for the North West had risen to just above 1 (1.01) indicating that the rate of decline had slowed. I discussed the content of the letter and the recommendation with the Trustees; it was clear that the Board agreed with my recommendation to comply with this request and fall into line with other educational providers within Tameside. The risk of ignoring such advice from the Public Health professionals is too great. We will continue to plan for a reopening at or around the 22nd June and will stay in close communication with our colleagues in the Public Health department. We will not reopen until we are informed that it is safe to do so. Thank you for your patience and support at this difficult time. We will share our plans once they are finalised.

A small number of departments have begun their online live teaching sessions today with all departments offering this from next Monday (15th June). The change in our arrangements for reopening will not affect these dates. Teachers will be using the usual timetable times to deliver these sessions during the day.

I can also confirm today that the last teaching day of this academic year will be Friday 3rd July 2020 as published in the college calendar and on the college website. 

That’s all for today.

Take care, look after yourself, your families and each other; be patient and stay positive.


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