
Coronavirus response update - 30.06.20

30 June 2020

Coronavirus response update 30th June 2020

I hope this finds you and your family safe and well.

The news from Leicester is concerning and may lead to some questions about our preparedness for any further outbreaks of COVID-19 which would lead to a local lockdown and the closure of the college. We have worked hard with Tameside Council and Population Health Tameside to draw up plans in case this is required. We are confident that the measures taken at the college to protect members of our college community coupled with a more general adherence to the rules of social distancing, and good hand and respiratory hygiene will prevent such measure being taken. Rest assured, that we will always put the health and safety of our college community first.   

A few updates today.

A reminder that the final day of teaching is Friday 3rd July 2020. Online lessons will continue until this date. More information about the start of the new academic year and our arrangements for teaching and learning from September will be sent out in the next few weeks.

And in case you missed it yesterday, normally at this time of year, we would have our end of year exhibition to showcase all our students' fantastic work. This year, because of the strange circumstances we find ourselves in, the Art and Design department have set up an online exhibition on Flickr. To accompany the exhibition, they have also produced an online magazine showcasing the department’s award winners and those students who will be joining us on our Art Foundation course in September.

The exhibition can be found here: , with the magazine found at: . Please take a look at the amazing work our students have produced supported by their inspirational teachers and technicians; it is truly inspirational. Well done to all involved!

That’s all for today

Take care, look after yourself, your families and each other; be patient and stay positive.


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