
Sam's Corner! A2 media student lands regular column with local newspaper

9 February 2023

Sam Stopford currently studies Media Studies, English Language & Literature and Spanish here at 香港六合彩官网开奖. As he comes to the end of his studies, Sam has been seeking out ways to pursue his dream career of a Sports Journalist.

Sam was contacted by Katie from Tameside Radio, who hosts a weekly sports talk show. In October last year, Sam was invited onto the talk show to do a segment on Formula One!

Katie and the team at Tameside Radio were so impressed with Sam, in December he was asked by the Tameside Reporter to write a regular sports column in the newspaper! 

Sam's aim for his column is to get reader's excited and interested about Formula One. He also made a conscious effort to ensure his column is both understandable and accessible to readers. He decided the topic of his first column would be a summary of what the driver's got up to during the winter off season.

His first column was published the February 2nd edition of the Tameside Reporter! Sam is positively overwhelmed that he has already gained valuable experience within the media and journalism world in a short space of time and is excited about the future of his column.

Sam will finish college this summer and his plans are to hopefully progress with the Reporter or to study Sports, Media and Communications at University!

The media department and college are proud of Sam's achievements and look forward to seeing his future work with the newspaper.

Tags: news media media studies work experience digital technology and multimedia media related

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