
Principal's Lunch December 2023

15 January 2024

Centre Principal Lisa Richards, held two recognition lunches for students who have stood out this term and shown excellent participation and engagement.

The following students received nominations: 

Grace Cook-Scowen

Nominated by Art & Design

"Grace is a fabulous dual Art student. She is super creative, hardworking, popular with her peers, and volunteers to help out in the department too."

Noah Grantham 

Nominated by Art & Design

"Noah has made huge strides since the A1 year, starting the A2 year with renewed motivation. His work producing intricate animal illustrations within his project for Wrexham Football club is well researched and shows his commitment to the subject."

Brooke Plant

Nominated by Biology & Applied Science

"Gained a distinction in her first coursework. Brooke always puts in lots of effort in and out of the classroom and she has seen the benefits of this in her unit 2a result. We're expected big things this year."

Cassidy Clarke

Nominated by Biology & Applied Science

"Cassidy always attends lesson and is never late. She always brings her best efforts to lessons and this has resulted in some high grades in recent topic tests. She can be relied up on to complete all set tasks to a high standard. She is a pleasure to teach."

Faith Obidiegwu

Nominated by Forensic Science

"Faith has worked well to catch up year one work having joined late. Always completes work on time to distinction level and is willing to help others."

Ami Mbye

Nominated by Forensic Science

"Ami does all her work on time and to a great standard. She is very polite and helpful in lessons and is willing to help others. She has adapted well to her first year of study."

Tanzeel Ahmed

Nominated by Chemistry

"Tanzeel started Chemistry late after changing courses. He has worked hard to catch up the work missed. In lessons he regularly contributes to discussions and asks for support when he needs it. He has a great attitude to his studies."

Rehanna Barry

Nominated by Chemistry

"Rehanna has a great attitude in Chemistry. She supports others in class and approaches work in a positive manner. She has established excellent independent study habits which I hope will serve her well come mocks and final exams."

Emily Morgan-Jackson

Nominated by Computer Science & Physics

"Emily has done a phenomenal job in Physics, having scored very highly on assessments and always ensuring a thorough understanding of the subject. Well done!"

Noah Cooke

Nominated by Computer Science & Physics

"Noah has done a tremendous job in Computer Science, both in his theoretical assessment and programming projects. He has also represented the college at the Barkleys STEM event for cybersecurity at the Barkleys technological centre in Knutsford. In Physics he has taken part in the British Physics Olympiad yet again this year. Well done, Noah!"

Sienna Smith

Nominated by Performing Arts

"Sienna has been nominated due to her high level and consistent application of performance skills presented in every performance she has completed at college. Her passion, talent, creativity and enthusiasm project through in all her show work, producing stand out performances, and receiving positive and praising comments from audience members. On top of her studies, she has also been committed to many extra-curricular activities, taking on leadership roles during work experience and inspiring year 1 students by leading sessions. Sienna is always up to date with work, putting effort into portfolios. Well done Sienna, maintain this high standards and work ethic."

Elena Vitelo

Nominated by Performing Arts

"Elena is completely engrained drama and music lessons, events, activities. Elena is kind, polite and willing to help wherever she can. She was successful in securing principal role in the college Production We Will Rock You. Elena's enthusiasm has been incredible at the start of this academic year. She is constantly volunteering in lessons and is so eager to see live performances she has even been booking to see her own shows. When this happens, she is then eloquently able to inform her peers about the production quality and specific theatrical elements that were used. She has been and remains an amazing addition to the classroom. Keep up the solid work Elena. It's been awesome so far."

Uwais Sabir

Nominated by Law & Philosophy

"Since the beginning of the academic year, Uwais has been a positive presence in his Law class. He’s always engaging with the work being covered and is a willing contributor during lessons. Well done Uwais."

Sayma Begum

Nominated by Law & Philosophy

"Sayma is a pleasure to teach in Philosophy, Ethics and Religion. Her knowledge and understanding of the content being covered is excellent and she consistently participates in class by answering questions and engaging in discussions."

Jed Solomon

Nominated by Maths A Level

"Jed is an outstanding mathematician. Despite his elite gymnast training and bespoke timetable Jed attends all lessons, completes all work set to the highest standard, continually asks thought provoking questions to stretch his understanding and is just the most polite, lovely young man. On top of this Jed has achieved 100% in both of his assessments this year, a remarkable achievement. Well done Jed!"

Tom Gibbs 

Nominated by Maths A Level

"Tom is extremely hard working and motivated to succeed. He uses his study time wisely and regularly uses the resources on Canvas to work on Maths outside of lessons. He is always willing to contribute/ask questions in lessons and will also take time to help his peers when needed."

Emily Todd Williams

Nominated by Maths GCSE

"Tom is extremely hard working and motivated to succeed. He uses his study time wisely and regularly uses the resources on Canvas to work on Maths outside of lessons. He is always willing to contribute/ask questions in lessons and will also take time to help his peers when needed."

Freya Foy

Nominated by Maths GCSE

"Freya is a hard-working, determined student that has always given 100% for every task."

Charlotte Ivens

Nominated by English A Level

"Charlotte is a fantastic student in English Language. She is determined and focused with an excellent attitude towards her studies. Charlotte takes a leading role in group work, completes all homework to very high standards and participates fully in class feedback, demonstrating strong subject knowledge. This is all down to Charlotte’s hard work and enthusiastic approach to learning. At Open Day she was knowledgeable and positive in all her interactions with parents and prospective students, showing off her love for the subject."

Archie McClaren

Nominated by English A Level

"Archie is a friendly, positive student who has demonstrated a real determination to do well and affinity with the study of English Language. His work is original, thoughtful and he is always aiming to make it better. Archie makes excellent contributions in class discussions and he is always on task and perceptive in small group and pair work. In enrichment at the Writers’ Hub, Archie fully participates and brings lots of ideas to the group."

Jessica Sullivan 

Nominated by English GCSE

"Jessica is a mature, dedicated student in GCSE English. She has shown real focus and desire to improve her reading and writing skills, taking feedback with a positive approach and submitting work at high standard. She has shown herself to be resilient in addressing personal challenges and is a friendly, thoughtful young woman. In class Jessica is enthusiastic in her contributions to the group, often taking a leading role, using the subject terminology, skills and ideas. She is a model student for how to improve in GCSE resit class."

Nauman Haq

Nominated by English GCSE

"Nauman is an extremely hardworking student and a real asset to the class. He is also exceptionally engaged and focussed and makes insightful contributions to class discussion. He participates strongly in every task and has a very can-do determined attitude. Worked exceptionally hard in preparation for the resit exams. Does lots of work in every lesson and is tremendously productive.  Nauman has regularly sought feedback on his work and assistance where needed. He has set an excellent example of the behaviour and commitment needed to be successful in this qualification. As a consequence we have high hopes for a positive result in January and wish him well!"

Mia Stevens

Nominated by Digital Technologies and Multimedia

"Mia has made a great start to Film Studies. She is very engaged, full attendance and makes fantastic contributions in class, often helping her peers. For an editing activity Mia made an entertaining video with a cute sibling! She is very focused on learning and developing her skills in analysis, by rigorous note taking and concentration. She has been a joy to teach!"

Corey Kelly

Nominated by Digital Technologies and Multimedia

"Corey is always contributing to class discussion in A2 media – he makes detailed and insightful evaluations of the Component 2 magazine texts and is always one of the first to offer his feedback and analysis. Well done Corey."

Benedict Atikekeresola

Nominated by Digital Technologies and Multimedia

"Benedict has worked very hard this year to motivate himself and contribute in class. He is putting his full effort in and asking for feedback and then acting on it - showing huge steps forward from first year. Teachers are very proud of him, keep it up!"

Ebenezer Okosun

Nominated by Information Technology

"Eb (he prefers Eb), is a dedicated IT student. He has shown excellent determination to gain technical and theoretical skills in his first term. Eb is always on time and always works to the best of his ability. Eb is always willing to answer questions and take part in discussions. Eb is a model student and has made an outstanding start to college life."

Viraj Palmar

Nominated by Information Technology

"Viraj tries very hard in class and is working well independently whilst continuing to use strategies that helped him last year. He will always offer answers during discussions, asks for help and support to aid him in his work, is always polite and on time. Well done on all the progress you are making this year."

James Shakeshaft

Nominated by Business BTEC

"An excellent start to James' second year and making excellent progress on the difficult unit 7 exam."

Joe Nadin

Nominated by Business BTEC

"Joe has shown real progress this year and his willingness to commit to his revision for the unit 7 exam has been an example to his peers."

Bethany Turner

Nominated by Education & Health

"Outstanding work ethic, commitment to studies and excellent member of the class, 100% attendance on all subjects."

Shania McGrory

Nominated by Education & Health

"Making a fantastic start to her course, excellent first assignments and a great attitude to learning."

Lexi Gallagher

Nominated by T Level Education

"Lexi has settled well into college and has received amazing reports from placement. She is producing work of a great standard and had the perfect start to her T-level programme."

Ellie Taylor 

Nominated by T Level Health

"Ellie has had a great start to her course. She has produced work of a good standard. In addition she has taken short courses in suicide awareness and epilepsy action to support her studies."

Ruby Embrey

Nominated by Sports & Public Services

"Ruby has made an outstanding start to the Sport and Exercise Sciences course. She is always so positive in class and comes in early before session 1 to get her work done, displaying great organisational and time management skills. Her work is exceptional and shows a real level of detail and understanding. Ruby is a delight to work with. Keep going Ruby!"

Will Maine

Nominated by Sports & Public Services

"Will had made an excellent start to his second year study on the mix program public services. His attendance and punctuality is excellent is able to turn up to class on time and as always got the work ready. He is working really well with his two teachers which can be challenging sometimes and often does work in college before session 1. He is also applying to Oxbridge, which is an amazing achievement for Will."

George Greaves

Nominated by Sports & Public Services

"George has arrived at the college with a positive, can do attitude! He takes part in all of his lessons and actively engages in discussions. He works hard and puts in 100% effort in every part of the course. All of his teachers are happy with his work and attitude and he is excelling on the course. Keep it up George!"

Devon Hewitt

Nominated by Sports & Public Services

"Devon has improved weekly while being at the college. He is doing extremely well on the course and is trying hard in all classes and the coursework. He is always early for lessons and takes part in every possible opportunity offered to him. He is showing his maturity and taking ownership of his work, which has led to him succeeding in his classes. Keep up the good work Devon!"

Georgie O'Reilly

Nominated by Psychology & Criminology

"She has made such an effort in lesson, she has really been trying. she always asks questions and has been doing lots of practice exam."

Deonne O'Connor

Nominated by Psychology & Criminology

"For her outstanding participation and engagement in Criminology. She takes a keen interest in Criminology and regularly contributes to class discussions. She is always engaged and completes her homework and classwork to an excellent standard.  Well done Deonne and keep up the hard work."

Sadia Kamagate Gomes 

Nominated by Spanish

"Sadia is an excellent learner who consistently ranks in the top 3 students in Spanish. She has an outstanding work ethic and has regularly been a Subject Ambassador for Spanish in Open Evenings where she displayed a motivating enthusiasm for this subject."

Emily Morgan-Jackson

Nominated by Inclusive Learning

"Emily was very nervous about moving to college. With lots of transitional support, including experiencing a day of A level lessons last spring, she has settled really well. Emily has made new friends, is very organised, & uses her study periods wisely. Emily is always polite & considerate."

Grace Lennon

Nominated by Inclusive Learning

"Grace works so hard and engages in all activities that may assist her future plans; she attended the Blind in Business workshops recently. Grace has helped all staff understand VI through her presentation. Grace has helped IL improve our services by attending our focus group.  Thank you."

Cait Aldridge 

Nominated by Humanities

"A super student who quietly always strives to do her best. Cait's homework is always of a high standard and reflects the additional time she must put into her studies outside of college. She regularly contributes to class discussions. Cait also takes part in the student mentoring scheme with Rayner Stephens High School, helping out in History lessons. I am sure that her conscientious and unassuming approach make her an excellent role model for younger students."

Evie Davis

Nominated by Humanities

"Evie is the smiliest student I have ever taught. Her work is always of a high standard and highlights the time she spends outside of her studies working on her history. Evie immerses herself in everything that we do and is a keen contributor to class discussions. She has a really enquiring mind and is always asking questions around the topics we are learning."

Phillip Yang

Nominated by Business, Economics & Accounting

"Just the nicest student! Polite, kind, respectful and incredibly bright. Phillip has shown a real willingness to engage and achieve in his first few months."

Amelia Berrisford

Nominated by Business, Economics & Accounting

"A superb start to her A2 year, with high levels of engagement and willingness to achieve, applications for top apprenticeships are underway and qe have no doubt she will achieve one."

Aleena Imraze

Nominated by Business BTEC

"A great start to the BTEC, high levels of engagement and some excellent submissions in the first term. Superb start – keep it up."

Harriott Roe Evans Knott

Nominated by Business BTEC

"Consistent achievement, dedication and engagement with the subject, Harriott is an example to the rest of the class and has been a star pupil since her first year."

Mia Hall

Nominated by Cassie Condon (Senior Tutor)

"Engaging fully within her studies, showing resilience and determination to succeed."

Giorgi Piranishvili

Nominated by Cassie Condon (Senior Tutor)

"Participating and engaging within all lessons and adopting a positive outlook and approach to his studies."

Sienna Boden

Nominated by Bobbie Johnson (Senior Tutor)

"Great start to her A1 year. Always makes excellent contributions in Tutorial and is showing promising leadership skills as a tutor rep. "

Stephanie Owusu

Nominated by Bobbie Johnson (Senior Tutor)

"Steph has had a fantastic start to her first year, she has excellent attendance and is working extremely hard in her studies. Well done, keep it up! "

Ella Moss

Nominated by Claire Thackeray (Senior Tutor)

"Ella has been highly engaged in dance and music lessons and is also actively doing extra activities outside of college to develop her skills and talent. She has put a lot of effort and time into her portfolio work, practice, asks questions to inform her learning and goes the extra mile. Ella performed at the Parent and Pathway event on Saturday and is always keen to offer help and support."

Evie Winston

Nominated by Claire Thackeray (Senior Tutor)

"Congratulations on Evie for an excellent transition from school to college. 100% attendance and a great English Ambassador for College. Well done Evie!"

Sam Lomas

Nominated by Rachel Allen (Senior Tutor)

"Sam has consistently shown a positive approach to managing his learning. His excellent attendance (100% attendance for A1 year, and currently 100% attendance for A2) illustrates his commitment to his A levels and EPQ, and matches his drive and motivation to succeed, with his university application completed providing him with an ideal ending to his time at college."

Emily Fletcher

Nominated by Rachel Allen (Senior Tutor)

"As an A1 student, Emily’s confidence and enjoyment for learning is certainly reflected in her approach to her studies. Since the start of the academic year Emily has embraced college life with a smile and positivity, which is lovely to see!"

Rebeka Lyons

Nominated by Luke Warren (Senior Tutor)

"Bex is highly engaged in dance lessons, is quickly on task applying enthusiasm and effort. She is using the studio to do extra practice, has attended all trips, extra activities and also volunteered to perform two solos in the Lest we Forget show and was an understudy in a year 2 dance, helping peers. She has a professional attitude. Well done Bex."

Reece Dale

Nominated by Tamzin Sinclair-Sivins (Senior Tutor)

"Reece has had a positive start to college. He is keen to volunteer ideas in class. He has taken the role of the tutor rep, keen to voice ideas and support his peers."

Millie Ravenscroft

Nominated by Tamzin Sinclair-Sivins (Senior Tutor)

"Millie is always happy to input ideas, make suggestions and express an opinion. She has completed various work placements. Millie has been an asset to the H&SC department as a student ambassador discussing the benefits of studying Health with both parents and students at open events. Millie has engaging in First Aid training to help prepare for further study as a paramedic and stood out from her peers during a careers day where she actively discussed University opportunities with a lecturer showing great enthusiasm and maturity."

Alfie Kelly

Nominated by Florence Hilton (Senior Tutor)

"Alfie is always engaged in tutorial. He has been contributing to the group discussion positively, articulating his thoughts in a most mature and reflective manner."

Tyler Williams

Nominated by Florence Hilton (Senior Tutor)

"Tyler has maintained 100% attendance since the start of the year. In tutorial, he is always attentive and prepared to take part in the group discussions."

Evie Carroll

Nominated by Rick Allanson (Senior Tutor)

"Evie is an outstanding student in every respect. She is reliable, honest, her confidence has grown whilst at 香港六合彩官网开奖, her attendance is very strong and her grades in every FAP have met or exceeded her MEG. She was the first of my A2 students to complete her UCAS application and Russel Group universities responded rapidly to make her strong offers. She has a super strong work ethic and resilience; success no doubt awaits her. Thank you Evie for being an absolute pleasure to tutor."

Grace England

Nominated by Rick Allanson (Senior Tutor)

"Grace is one of the most diligent and conscientious students I have met at 香港六合彩官网开奖. Her work ethic and determination to succeed are reflected in many cedar commendation comments, very strong and reliable attendance, her UCAS predicted grades but also she is a delight to have in a classroom as she always engages in learning and makes valuable contributions."

Alexa McClaren

Nominated by Mark Bates (Senior Tutor)

"Alexa has been nominated for excellent participation and engagement in tutorials and across her program of study. Demonstrating a genuine enthusiasm for acquiring knowledge, she consistently contributes insightful perspectives during tutorials. Her dedication to excellence in both participation and overall engagement at college sets her apart as a standout contributor."

Leo Chadwick

Nominated by Mark Bates (Senior Tutor)

"Leo has been nominated for excellent participation and engagement in tutorials and across his program of study, owing to his remarkable commitment to learning—much like his prowess in scoring goals on the football field. His proactive approach demonstrated in a drive to excel in coursework and a willingness to explore beyond the standard curriculum. Leo's dedication to excellence in both participation and overall engagement in his studies, is mirrored in his success in the realm of football."

Callum Parsons

Nominated by Anita Blank (Senior Tutor)

"I have nominated you to formally recognise and thank you for your excellent contributions to tutorial discussions. Your comments are always intelligent, relevant and insightful and really appreciated by your Senior Tutor."

Emily Grantham

Nominated by Anita Blank (Senior Tutor)

"You always make an effort to get involved or answer questions in tutorial discussions and you are always really pleasant and you make me smile."

James Rigby

Nominated by Anna Harvey (Senior Tutor)

"Exemplary attendance/punctuality (100%) and an excellent pastoral record."

Scarlett Hardy-Clarke

Nominated by Anna Harvey (Senior Tutor)

"Exemplary attendance/punctuality (100%) and an excellent pastoral record."

Harry Brierley

Nominated by Debbie Macintosh (Senior Tutor)

"Harry is a keen participator in Tutorial activities and discussions. He is always engaged, enthusiastic and brings intelligent contributions to the topic. "

Kayden Van Veldhoven

Nominated by Debbie Macintosh (Senior Tutor)

"Kayden is a lively participator in Tutorial activities and discussions. He is always engaged, enthusiastic and often makes interesting points that move the discussion forward."

Hayden Cooling

Nominated by Chris Evans (Senior Tutor)

"Hayden has been helpful on many occasions and has offered to help, for example open evening, he also stayed after college recently to support staff CPD for sound checking. He was also highly engaged and full of enthusiasm at the Networking event, helping put other students at ease with his friendly, positive attitude. He is also focused and engaged in all music and music tech lessons."

Harry Powers

Nominated by Sarah Brown (Senior Tutor)

"Harry has made super start to the year and displays many of the values that really make our college community. He is hardworking and receives excellent feedback from teachers, meeting deadlines and organising his workload effectively. Harry makes a real effort both in class and tutor time to get along with his peers and participate in lessons. Harry has put himself forward the academic mentoring programme, working with students from Rayner Stephens high school. I am sure that with his passion for History and approachable manner he will be a great ambassador for the college."

Hannah Dobb

Nominated by Sarah Brown (Senior Tutor)

"Hannah has embraced the step up to college and strives to do well in all her subjects. Hannah is a friendly and approachable member of the tutor group who makes an effort to get to know her peers and work well with others. Her attendance and punctuality are impeccable."

Thomas Jackson

Nominated by Vicky Clough (Senior Tutor)

"In September Tom and I quickly realised that because he was applying for Physiotherapy at University that we would need to organise a work placement. He knew that this work experience would be integral to his personal statement and as such we didn’t have much time to organise, do and review. Tom quickly arranged his work placement with a physiotherapist directly working in sport and undertook his placement over the October half term so that it wouldn’t interfere with his studies. He has now included this in his personal statement and his application is ready to be sent off. He is proactive, not afraid to work hard to ensure he gets to where he wants to be – his engagement in his studies and in his future is exemplary!"

Rhiannon Stafford 

Nominated by Damian Windle (Senior Tutor)

"Rhiannon has given her all to this college. She is hard working, determined and always has a sunny and bright disposition, She really stepped up in speaking at the Parent Conference and has secured some amazing offers to read Liberal Arts at Durham and Warwick. Rhiannon should be incredibly proud of what she has achieved."

Frank Duffy

Nominated by Damian Windle (Senior Tutor)

"Frank is applying to read History and Politics at Balliol, Oxford. His preparation and way he has risen to the challenge has been incredible, giving one of the best mock interviews I have seen in a long time. Although, we do not the outcome of the process, the way Frank has applied himself has been first class and I am confident that he will be very successful at university if he continues in this way."


Well done to all students who received a nomination!

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